The HAZ came into being as a result of several needs surfacing simultaneously early in their ministry. The name "HAZ" itself was a common nickname for Patrick and his brothers growing up. It was more of an insult during the younger years but eventually was embraced. During Pat and Yuci's early ministry years, technology was growing so fast but the know-how was falling behind. The circumstances of their early careers gave them access and ability to master this technology. They were both musicians and so music quickly became a very special part of their relationship.
The church music landscape was changing rapidly and musicians were in high demand. Their church was able to have the vision for how this would benefit so they were encouraged and supported to keep up with the changes and then discipled to serve everywhere they could. As their traveling music ministry grew, they went through many (embarrassing) iterations trying to find a name that would be meaningful and not cliche. People would still just call Patrick by his last name. "Hey Haz" became a frequent greeting and it began to stick.
As their resource ministry grew, it would be common to hear a local minister coming to request help to go and "ask the Haz." The final clinch came from a desperately needed question and answer session for at risk youth and young adults they began. Initially it was called "Stump the Chump" sort of as a challenge to see if they could. However it quickly turned into "Ask The Haz" and it became permanent almost as a character of it's own representing something bigger than Patrick and Yulanda. Soon characters like "The HazFactor", "Hazatronics", "Hazmatics" were called upon for varying situations and, in the case of too many Hazards in a room, "Hazardosis"might be heard. Today, while The HAZ certainly is the now beloved name of their music ministry, it also serves to meet any need communicated within their ability to act either as for tangible resources or a good solid connection to organizations and ministries that specialize in meeting that need. Patrick and Yulanda love helping meet the needs of people around them. Their passion is to engage as many people as possible in their mission to REACH THE WORLD for Jesus using whatever means possible, especially the menial and monotonous and raise awareness to everyone will listen that the consequences of our decisions, be they to follow God or not, from moment to moment, travel long out of range from our ability to control or even be cognizant of them. Therefore it vital that we sieze every opportunity to love people in Christ.
The HAZ consists of Patrick and Yulanda Hazard and a multitude of their family and friends that join when they can. Our musical and artistic friends are a blessing when they are able to join us.
The church music landscape was changing rapidly and musicians were in high demand. Their church was able to have the vision for how this would benefit so they were encouraged and supported to keep up with the changes and then discipled to serve everywhere they could. As their traveling music ministry grew, they went through many (embarrassing) iterations trying to find a name that would be meaningful and not cliche. People would still just call Patrick by his last name. "Hey Haz" became a frequent greeting and it began to stick.
As their resource ministry grew, it would be common to hear a local minister coming to request help to go and "ask the Haz." The final clinch came from a desperately needed question and answer session for at risk youth and young adults they began. Initially it was called "Stump the Chump" sort of as a challenge to see if they could. However it quickly turned into "Ask The Haz" and it became permanent almost as a character of it's own representing something bigger than Patrick and Yulanda. Soon characters like "The HazFactor", "Hazatronics", "Hazmatics" were called upon for varying situations and, in the case of too many Hazards in a room, "Hazardosis"might be heard. Today, while The HAZ certainly is the now beloved name of their music ministry, it also serves to meet any need communicated within their ability to act either as for tangible resources or a good solid connection to organizations and ministries that specialize in meeting that need. Patrick and Yulanda love helping meet the needs of people around them. Their passion is to engage as many people as possible in their mission to REACH THE WORLD for Jesus using whatever means possible, especially the menial and monotonous and raise awareness to everyone will listen that the consequences of our decisions, be they to follow God or not, from moment to moment, travel long out of range from our ability to control or even be cognizant of them. Therefore it vital that we sieze every opportunity to love people in Christ.
The HAZ consists of Patrick and Yulanda Hazard and a multitude of their family and friends that join when they can. Our musical and artistic friends are a blessing when they are able to join us.