Get your questions answered!!!
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Years ago I discovered the importance of facilitating an open forum for those I ministered to. As a child, I had a lot of questions ... never been one to just take peoples' thoughts and make them my own. The church seemed to not care. In some cases, I was treated negatively for asking questions. I ended up leaving the church for a time during my youth because I found people who were willing to answer my questions ... unfortunately they were not Christians and their agenda was to undo the church.
Since I have taken up ministry, this is something I have tried to incorporate at some level ... at first sporadic. Now it is a mainstay. People have problems. God has answers. He told us to ask Him for wisdom and He would grant it. I believe every question is valid.
We field questions from family problems, to school and work problems, to social problems. We field questions dealing with relationships, religion, etc. Some of the questions are humorous in nature ... but we still field them.
Anything is fair.
Got Questions??
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