Discipleship ministry Resources
I have an abundance of ministry leadership and discipleship ministry resources I have created or assembled over the years that I am making available on here free for use in meeting you ministry needs.
Below you will find several resources that you may find very helpful.
If you have a need email us and we will do our best to immediately meet your need as we are able.
Bible STudy REsources
IHere is a collection of excellent study materials that will help you in your efforts to enjoy the Lord more in personal study. Click HERE for more!
Discipleship Resources
Sermon resources
Discipleship is the intrusive means by which we invite others into our lives so we can lead them along the way we know to go in Christ. This is what he modeled, and it is not done enough. Here are some resources to help you along that way if you are bold enough to travel it!Click HERE for more!
I was give a few resources when I started preaching. It was a huge learning curve. I have been writing sermons for decades. I write them as outlines. If they can help you, please feel freeClick HERE for more!
If you can use it, take it!The phrase 'Bible study" is interesting. So many set off then get lost regarding how. How was the Bible written? How is to be read, interpreted, and applied? Is it literal, figurative, both? I have a resource for you that will help!
Here you will also find a collection of Bible Book studies (from Grace), and several other focused studies I have collected and have been given permission to present as free and available.
I do you a disservice to not recommend what I have found to be some excellent sources for your personal development as well seeing as I have found them most useful
E-SWORD - free Bible software for PC, $10 on MAC. Tons of free stuff but I recommend go ahead and paying for the standards. They price is nill and it's a forever transfer with unlimited usage. Also has it's own apps - this is a one stop shop. Can organize your stuff forever.
Daily Audio Bible - His name is Brian and he loves you. This man and his family pour their lives into creating and making available daily readings and resources. Join the DABBER community. (I have no personal relationship with this ministry, just appreciate their work).
Here you will also find a collection of Bible Book studies (from Grace), and several other focused studies I have collected and have been given permission to present as free and available.
I do you a disservice to not recommend what I have found to be some excellent sources for your personal development as well seeing as I have found them most useful
E-SWORD - free Bible software for PC, $10 on MAC. Tons of free stuff but I recommend go ahead and paying for the standards. They price is nill and it's a forever transfer with unlimited usage. Also has it's own apps - this is a one stop shop. Can organize your stuff forever.
Daily Audio Bible - His name is Brian and he loves you. This man and his family pour their lives into creating and making available daily readings and resources. Join the DABBER community. (I have no personal relationship with this ministry, just appreciate their work).
Thoroughly Equipped For Every Good Work
Larry Poston, Christian professor at Nyack College, authored an intensive study on the concept of discipleship that is perfect for personal, group, or class settings. I have used this manual for years successfully and have written a study guide to allow for deeper study and reflection. Best of all ... IT'S FREE!!! Do yourself a favor, download this today and help yourself and others in their walk!
Thoroughly Equipped (Full Text) and Study GuidesApproach 1 consists of the new students taking a good inventory of themselves and truly evaluating their place in Christ, then being willing to take the steps to fix it. It’s a time of sobering reality. During this time the students will study in detail, consider strongly, and choose whether they will apply the three Biblical pre-requisites for discipleship.
Approach 2 consists of the students continuing in their introduction to discipleship. During this time the students will study in detail, consider strongly, and decide to adhere to the three Biblical characteristics of discipleship.
Approach 3 consists of the students receiving a strong foundation of Biblical doctrine.
Approach 4 consists of the students applying their Biblical understanding to the lifestyle issues found in the world around them deciding on their positions based on Jesus’ view and not what is socially accepted.
Approach 5 consists of students observing their own patterns of giftings and strengths that build the church and others around them as they are able to successfully apply theological precepts to the lifestyle issues in the world around them.
Approach 6 consists of the students natural shift from disciple to disciple maker – from student to teacher as they are placed (and place themselves) in environments where there are others who need direction and introduction to Jesus.
Approach 2 consists of the students continuing in their introduction to discipleship. During this time the students will study in detail, consider strongly, and decide to adhere to the three Biblical characteristics of discipleship.
Approach 3 consists of the students receiving a strong foundation of Biblical doctrine.
Approach 4 consists of the students applying their Biblical understanding to the lifestyle issues found in the world around them deciding on their positions based on Jesus’ view and not what is socially accepted.
Approach 5 consists of students observing their own patterns of giftings and strengths that build the church and others around them as they are able to successfully apply theological precepts to the lifestyle issues in the world around them.
Approach 6 consists of the students natural shift from disciple to disciple maker – from student to teacher as they are placed (and place themselves) in environments where there are others who need direction and introduction to Jesus.
I have an abundance of study resources I have created over the years that I will be making available on here as I am able These resources include sermon outlines and series and their PowerPoint presentations, praise and worship chord charts and their PowerPoint presentations, discipleship training, leadership training for multiple levels of maturity and commitment, strategies, and leadership philosophies as well as event publications.
I have extensive leadership training and history. I personally have a passion for developing leaders, specifically helping subordinate, bivicational, and volunteer leaders "find their thrive." Leaders are not born, and they don't develop on their own. Leadership is brought out of individuals by leaders. We feel we can help the church by encouraging, strengthening, and training its leaders.
If you have a need email us and we will do our best to immediately meet your need as we are able.
I have extensive leadership training and history. I personally have a passion for developing leaders, specifically helping subordinate, bivicational, and volunteer leaders "find their thrive." Leaders are not born, and they don't develop on their own. Leadership is brought out of individuals by leaders. We feel we can help the church by encouraging, strengthening, and training its leaders.
If you have a need email us and we will do our best to immediately meet your need as we are able.
Looking sermon ideas? Looking to listen to sermons we recommend?
To quote a much more well known and highly respected minister, Rick Warren, "If my bullet can fit in your gun, use it!"
I have written many sermons in my two decades pastoring. You find their outlines and do with them as you wish! Click HERE!!
My pastor and friend, Derek Duncan, has also invested into being available for people who can't make it to Church. His SERMONS are practical and his goal is to get people to love Jesus. You can watch him HERE. I recommended clicking those likes and follow buttons.
I also enjoy with my family the teachings of Jentzen Franklin and David Jeremiah among many we enjoy.
To quote a much more well known and highly respected minister, Rick Warren, "If my bullet can fit in your gun, use it!"
I have written many sermons in my two decades pastoring. You find their outlines and do with them as you wish! Click HERE!!
My pastor and friend, Derek Duncan, has also invested into being available for people who can't make it to Church. His SERMONS are practical and his goal is to get people to love Jesus. You can watch him HERE. I recommended clicking those likes and follow buttons.
I also enjoy with my family the teachings of Jentzen Franklin and David Jeremiah among many we enjoy.
Series - I Want To Know Him
This is a great series of four teachings based from Phillipians 3:8-11 - Paul's Mission Statement
I Want to Know Him - The Power of His Resurrection - The Fellowship of His Sufferings - Made Conformable to His Death
Check out these other great sermons outlines!!
A teaching that teaches the ins and outs of fasting. It includes misconceptions of fasting as well. A great teaching for your congregation or ministry team!
Godly Lending
A sermon that addresses the sensitive issue of debt within the church. God has called us to be the lenders, not the borrowers but He gives specific instructions and responsibilites when it comes to lending within the church. This study also addresses what to do when those who owe you within your church or family fail to repay. This is a great teaching asset for your ministry leadership team and congregation especially considering the newest trend of business deals within the church.
The Armorbearer
A sermon that addresses the service aspect to ministry. All of us are called to serve in some aspect, and we need to understand what God expects from us in our service. I am convinced through my own experience that much of the inner church conflict exists because this concept is gravely misunderstood. I hope this message ministers to you as it has others.
The Spirit of Jeroboam
A sermon that addresses a very serious demonic work that must be confronted within all ministries. Fear that is not dealt with can cause godly people to force those within their influence into bondage. This is a serious matter and should be recognized and dealt with immediately. An additional resource for this sermon (TITAN) can be read by clicking here.
Ambassadors For Christ (Listen Live!)
Paul tells us in the Bible that we are to be Ambassadors for Christ. But what does that mean? Will we allow it to just become another catch phrase for slogans like so many other do or will we rise to the challenge and learn the truth behind what the Holy Spirit wants us to know? This message tackles what that means directly.
Click HERE for more sermon outlines!
I am always uncomfortable doing this type of thing but it is necessary to be able to offer my services at no charge. My desire is to see my 30 years of work making your life as a minister easier and more joyful. I recognize that to those of us who hold to our integrity, these types of disclaimers are unnecessary. They, however, are necessary in order to clearly state the boundaries of the resource offered working within set parameters. It's a matter of integrity. Most of us place a high value on our integrity as Christians and ministers. Yet because there are those among us who do not yet understand the importance of holding to the strict standard of ethics, I must state clearly the boundaries of the services offered.
***All original works are owned by the author and owner of this site, The HAZ (from this point forward all references to owner and author will refer to the same). All original musical works have official copyrights and protection. They are available to you at no cost to use within your congregational worship services. However, if these resources are to be used for financial gain (including but not limited to any productions with a ticket, door charge, donation for any copied work within a cd or dvd, etc) you must first contact us through this site and financial arrangements must be made. At no point are these songs to be duplicated by cd, dvd, MP3, MP4, or any other analogue or digital media without contacting this site and getting specific permission to do so. The owner is giving this away with the specific intent to make this available for congregational use. Any financial gain, whether implied or intended, needs to be handled ethically and properly rendering due monies to the original author and composer. Any use of the work is to be credited to the owner. Any person or group that uses these resources for financial gain without attaining proper permissions will have to surrender the total of the monies made for the media or venue that included this to the owner. Stealing is a sin ... even for ministers.