We can't always go, but we can always give
We simply cannot out-give GOD
- "Each one should use whatever gift they have received to serve others." 1 Peter 4:10 As in everything, ministry has a cost. At this junction we are fortunate enough to be able to be self-funded during this phase. For 30 years, we have not ever charged for our ministry. The best way you can support us is simply by following, liking, and sharing our MUSIC. If you are a venue, we are MORE INTERESTED IN MINISTRY THAN MONEY! Let's have the discussion regarding what is appropriate given your need and means. CONTACT US HERE! This frees us to do what we are very passionate about, supporting other missions. At each ministry event, we have a moment to allow you to partner with the already and continuing labors of love for ministries we are proud to represent. Currently, we are proud to represent PROVISION MINISTRY. We have some other ministries on the wings we are interested in supporting as well however we also want to focus our intentions rather than present with confusion. This does not mean there are no other worthy ministries. As I form relationships with who we feel called to support, I will list their information on the support page. If you are looking for an opportunity to invest into the Kingdom of God, these are ministries that have been vetted, are accountable, and will continue to work as they have because they know God has called them to this work. God calls us to many different types of walks. Some are called to get up and go, others are called to get up and do, while yet others are called to remain and be faithful to doing what is in front of them. While the 3rd may seem menial and monotonous, the power to partake in the fruit of the ministries of those that go (world missions) and those that do (home missions) is limitless because it is usually the 3rd group that does most of the support. I am always wary of people trying to raise money for some great work they are called to do, but have not yet started because they are waiting on the right comfort and support to start. I am not saying that good things don't start from those beginnings, but I choose to focus on ministries who are already working and need support to help shoulder the cost of the work. There is an old proverb that says,