This is the official page for The HAZ Music as well as other efforts we put our hands to. Doing our part through music, media, and other collaborative efforts to share the love we have found through Jesus. Join with us as we bring messages of love, hope, joy, forgiveness, and healing to people who need it - and we all do.

What starts in here will REACH THE WORLD!!!
This is the official page for The HAZ Music as well as other efforts we put our hands to. Doing our part through music, media, and other collaborative efforts to share the love we have found through Jesus. Join with us as we bring messages of love, hope, joy, forgiveness, and healing to people who need it - and we all do.

What starts in here will REACH THE WORLD!!!
New MUSic Available!
We have released the first three singles of our new album, UNNATURALMore songs are coming soon!!!We have live songs that can be enjoyed as we are busy recordingFollow along with us and stay in the KNOW!Concert Performances
Full range of stylistic, engaging, professional quality music that can adjust to the needs of the eventWe bring a full sound through a proper blend of live play instrumentation and vocals with background loops and tracksAppropriate blend of new, original music with some well known songs to allow for some sing along familiarityAble to perform complete concerts bringing all through an intimate experience via dynamic change within sets Can open for larger groups and get those in attendance excited and readyCAFES and other smaller venues

We can adjust our sound, selections, and volumes to smaller venues as well.We can play interactive sets engaging those in attendanceWe can play mood music with little interaction to support an atmosphere where people can engage with each other Community OUTreach events
We have sound and light systems that travel for community engagementWe have experience leading worship for parking lot crusades, stadium crusades, block partiesWe are passionate about evangelism through musicchurch worship services
We are available to fill in for Sunday morning worship services We have a versatile dictionary of songs that can be tailored to your congegration's voiceWe share in both original worship as well as more known songsWe are also versatile in service structure and flow to allow for a smoother experience in the setting of a visiting ministerSpecial service events
Community Worship NightsLockins and youth concertsYoung adult worship nightsWorship saturationsHymnal nightsChristmas & Holiday ServicesWorship conferences
We love to encourage other worship leaders in music and in teachingWe are passionate about supporting and encouraging bivocational worship leadersWe are passionate about enlisting and equipping volunteer team members to better understand their valueWe are able to host or sit in on Q&A sessions
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New music released
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